
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Colorado Flooding? If You Have (15) Minutes.....

I would appreciate your time.  Please take a look at my hometown Loveland, Colorado.  We need your Prayers and Support!

This video is a long one and taken by a local.  It runs about (15) minutes or so.  So if you have a cup of coffee and (15) minutes to spare, please take a look!


  1. That's crazy, my prayers go out to you. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks, Kevin, for your thoughts and prayers. We have reached another morning, and at the moment, it is not raining. Hurray! We are being safe, but, soon all the work will begin.

  2. As I was reading this with a breaking heart, the National Weather Service came on with a new emergency alert for flooding in Boulder County. I'll finish watching the video as soon as I can. Stay safe and dry Mel.

    1. That is some of the best video I've seen covering any type of event. Hats off to the videographer for a great job. I'll be seeing this in my sleep.

    2. Yes, indeed, it was an excellent job done on the video work. Haunting scenes, and, bunches of sadness. Someday, I will look back at these videos, with a different point of view, I suppose. But for now...................

  3. Howard
    Unbelievable footage of some tragic flooding; I really hate to see destruction like this especially when it affects the lives of so many. Thanks for sharing

  4. Floods can sure turn ugly in a heartbeat. We're always thinking about all you guys up there. Stay dry.

    1. Nothing anyone can do if they are in the path of Mother Nature during destruction like the floods here in Colorado at the moment. Dry is looking real good too me, Mark. Thanks so much for keeping us in your thoughts.


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