
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blogging & Fly Fishing: A Sense Of Community

Psst, Pond Stalker, wake up! This is supposed to be a blog about fly fishing for Bluegilll, Bass, the occasional Crappie, or a big bad Carp!  What is that you say, Pond Stalker?  You thought we were closed!
No, Pond Stalker, you big dummy! That's our Federal Government that is closed.  You know they can't figure out how to get out of the way of a disaster, so, they shut the door and are waiting for the Big Bad Wolf to come a knockin'.  

You, Pond Stalker, can go fishing! Forget about the flood.  That is the past.  Presently, the effort being applied by all those who have gave time and money into helping assist with the clean up mess and the do-overs in Northern Colorado is well on its way.  We as Coloradans will rise again! Let there be time and we will see sparkling waters, beautiful trout, ponds filled with Bluegill and Bass.   Those, big ol' Carp, ain't going nowhere we can't find one with a little effort.

You know having lived through the Flood of 2013 in Colorado, and, seeing the relief efforts that are in place brings forth with pride the great Sense of Community that we have here where I live.  It is truly remarkable!  

With that being said, I would like to direct this post to the Sense of Community that we all share in the blogging world with our blogs, and, with our individual fly fishing interests whatever they may be.

I have been a Blog writer for many years now, and while I in no way consider myself to be an expert at anything, I do have lots of experience and thoughts about the concept of Sense of Community via blogging.   Good blogs have to have regular content.  Good blogs must be able to capture the reader with information that they can use and apply in their own life experience.  Good blogs must draw the reader back in the future wanting to read more about what you have to share with them.  

The Sense of Community on a blog begins with the post, acquiring some readers, readers being willing to post a comment in regards to the post, and finally, the blog author taking the time to respond to those comments given by his or her readers.  Pictures, videos, Blogrolls of your favorite blogs etc, all bring about a sense of community to a blog.

As an example, on the Pond Stalker Blog, down the right sidebar you will see Picture Links that take you to just a few of the many blogs I enjoy from other fly fishing or outdoor oriented blogs.  In this case, I have linked up to the most reliable group of folks who have been long term supporters of my blog writing.  They visit often, they comment often, offer wit and advice, and give me the feeling that they enjoy being a part of this community.  This particular group of bloggers have followed me all over the road map of blogging for at least (5) years that I know of, probably more.  I am willing to add others there also as the Pond Stalker blog grows, since this is a newer blog, as supporters come forward to share in the Sense of Community.

Note also that I have decided to go forth with a Facebook page for the Pond Stalker.  Lots of stuff over there that you won't see here,  So make sure you hit the the Facebook "Like" button and see what is going on on the Pond Stalker Facebook page!

I realize I am getting a little long winded here, but, the Sense of Community is just that.  I read dozens and dozens of well written blogs every week and leave comments on those blogs on a majority of the posts I read.  Let me wrap this up by saying how frustrating it is too me to leave a comment on another fishing blog, wanting to be a part of that community, only to "never" have the blog author respond to not only mine, but, any of the comments left by other readers.  It happens way more than you think! There are those that respond to comments on their blog and always make you feel  welcome,  Those are not the ones I am talking about here.  I am just asking that you do a little self evaluation of your blog.  Do you respond to your readers? Do you provide them a Sense of Community?  If not, you might find that the Sense of Community is the very reason your blog is getting less views or maybe just less comments being provided.

Hope you all stayed with me through this ramble!  I like the Sense of Community!


  1. Thanks for the plug. I am sorry that I don't Facebook, but you know I'll always be here.


  2. First off that pile of fish would be a tremendous fish fry for you guys out that way---second the fray in Washington doesn’t even deserve a comment by me---third I am so glad you address the characteristics of a good blogger, and also mentioned those bloggers who never leave comments left by fellow bloggers---and fourth I consider your blog one of my favorites that I follow each week and look forward to more great post in the future—thanks for sharing

    1. Good morning, Bill. Yes, sir, that pile of Bluegill sure does look tasty for sure. I don't eat much in the way of fish that I catch, but now and then, a plate full of well prepared Bluegill is tough to beat. The characteristics of a good Blogger are very well represented by you my friend. You work just as hard at being a part of the Blogging community as I do. In regards, to those Bloggers who don't respond to comments on their blog, I hope to have at the very least caused a few of them to give the Sense of Community some thought. Thanks for being a great member of my Blogging community for a long time now, and, appreciate the kind words about my blog.

  3. Mel
    I forgot to mention I don't do Facebook, blogging is my way to communicate with my buddies.

    1. No problem, Bill. Some do Facebook, some don't. Just an avenue for me to hopefully interact with others that enjoy fly fishing, and perhaps, gain some new readers to my blog.

  4. Mel ~ Community is all about connection and I think you are fantastic example of how to create that connection. I don't really facebook either, but I have no doubt adding that extra place of connection will be a big bonus for a lot of people.

    Keep on being you!

    1. Rebecca, thank you so much for your visit and very warming comment about my blogging Sense of Community and creating connections. We go back along ways in our Blogging adventures even though we have never met. (Almost did!). Every blogging community needs some real Glue to hold it together. Thanks for being some of the Glue I have needed over the years.

  5. Mel,
    I'm not sure if you saw this on a recent post I did on the OBN, but here it is again:

    " Some people are storm chasers, or critter chasers, or bird chasers and there are some people who are Mel chasers. For those who fall into the Mel chaser category (like me) (We love ya Mel!) here he is….

    Pond Stalker ~ Stalking The Fish & Wildlife From My Local Ponds. Fly Fishing Warm Water."

    You are a fantastic example of creating a connection that builds a community.

    Keep on being you..

    1. Yes, Rebecca, I did see this and am humbled that you took the time to give me another shot in the arm, so to speak. Actually, tried to leave a comment over on the OBN when you wrote it, but, I was having computer problems (internet) and it wouldn't load my comment there. Thanks again for being my buddy and love ya' too!

  6. Mel, I am glad to be your internet neighbor.

  7. Hey Mel, thanks for the shoutout. I concur totally with your post. It's something I've thought about a lot but honestly couldn't think of a way to say it nicely, so I haven't said it. But I love that sense of community as well. It keeps me going when I sometimes ask myself why I bother. I really like what you've done around here, especially the header. Nice job brother.

    1. Howard, it was my pleasure to add your "Badge" to my page. I can't even begin to tell you how much I have appreciated your support over the years. Momma, always said I had a "Other Brother". Even though we have never spent any time together, I feel like you are as close to me as anyone I know outside my immediate family.

      As far as the Sense of Community goes, I sure hope that what I said was nice enough and doesn't offend anyone. This blog and my blogging friends are my life line! Thanks for the compliment on all the hard work I have done on this new blog. It means a lot!

  8. Hey Mel! Completely agree with you about the community. I try my best to reply to peoples comments on my blog but at the same time I wish they were notified that I replied to their questions and vice versa when i leave comments on their page.

  9. Really like the updated look. Keep it up sir and we will all keep reading I am sure.


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