
Friday, November 1, 2013

Trout Lake Musings And A New Book To Read

I walked into my headquarters for the Pond Stalker this evening with the idea that I would attempt to organize the mess on my fly tying bench.  However, in my left hand I was carrying the new issue of Fly Fisherman magazine I had just plucked from the mailman.  My intention was to lay it on my bench after organizing it. Then perhaps take a browse through before I went to bed.  Nothing wrong with fish on the brain as you try to sleep, right?

Well, that is where things went astray and I never did get to organize my fly tying bench.  Cop out? Sounds like it too me.  Anyway, I looked at the cover of Fly Fisherman one more time and admired the the beautiful BC Dean River Steelhead on the cover.  Actually, noticed the beautiful Andrea Charlton holding this beautiful fish for the "Dream Shot".

After coming out of my trance after a minute or two, I opened the back cover of the magazine to read the featured "Seasonable Angler"  It quickly caught my eye.  It was titled, Trout Lake.  Could it be the Trout Lake I am thinking of?  That beautiful small lake nestled near a major highway in Yellowstone Park.  The one with the short, but better be in good condition, hike uphill for a short period before you descend down into the lake.  The one I had fished myself.  The one I knew had big fish in it.  Ones that I tried to fool, but, came away empty handed.  Yup, it was the one.

This article, as it turns out, was an excerpt from the book Troutsmith by Kevin Searock.
This new book was published in the Spring of 2013 and is available at several places online.  Perhaps in some of the Fly Shops also.  Anyway, Kevin detailed his trip to Trout Lake for the day.  Very well written and descriptive.  He talked of stalking a couple of huge Rainbow Trout.  The kind of writing that makes you feel you were standing along side him as he cast.  How did he do? Well, over time he was able to hook both fish.  Both were perhaps in the (10) pound range!  For the rest of the story you will have to grab a copy of Fly Fisherman magazine.  Or, perhaps better yet, is to search out a copy of his new book and read more about not only this tale, but, others far and wide.  I found his article very interesting and the fish tale accurate.  I know, I have been to Trout Lake!

Ok, readers this ol' Blogger has just introduced very large Rainbow Trout and a new book to read this winter to a Warm Water Fly Fishing Blog!

Hope you enjoy.



  1. Mel
    Now you should be well informed and know exactly how to land some of those huge rainbow when make it back to Trout Lake. I really enjoyed reading my fly fishing magazines. Thanks for sharing

    1. Aw, Bill, thanks for the vote of confidence. Those big trout in that lake are heart stoppers for ol' guys like me. To see fish like that swimming in super clear water is a memory maker. Happy to share as always on my blog.

  2. Mel
    Could you give me your email address?
    email me at

  3. I'll put it on my list. I have a Nook and Barnes & Noble have it.

    1. I hear you, Mark. My book list is a long one and I seem to manage to have less and less time to read for too long at one setting. Let me know if you run across the book and have a chance to read it.

  4. I'm always looking for something new to read. I'll start checking around for the book as soon as I can put this issue of Fly Fisherman down! Thanks Mel.

    1. Howard, quite sure you should be able to track it down with all your connections. Good issue of Fly Fisherman Magazine this time around.

  5. Replies
    1. Good morning, Penbayman, great to have you stop by and read my post. Your comments are always welcome here. Looks like it should be a good book to read. We all have our lists and that is part of the fun of all this.

  6. I enjoyed that article quite a bit as well. .My iPad is slowly becoming my dedicated fly-fishing tablet. I've got subscriptions to The Drake, Fly Rod & Reel, Fly Fisherman, Fly Tyer, Gray's and more. It doesn't have the same feel as paper, but it sure saves on postage. :)

    1. Happy to hear that you enjoyed the article. It certainly gets your blood flowing in desire of one of those large Rainbows! Great idea for use of your Ipad. Lots of good stuff to read and so handy to take with you everywhere (just about) that you go. May have to invest in an Ipad one of these days.

  7. Mel, I just added your link to my blog roll list - shows up on homepage at left side.

    1. Thanks, Josh, sure appreciate it. Look forward to your future blog posts. Let's share some readers!


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