
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Update On Howard

UPDATED:  Tuesday, Mid-Day 12/31/13  2:35 P.M.
From his wife, Pam: Some help needed!
Howard got moved out of ICU today but continues to have some concerning cognitive problems. If you or anyone attending the convention can be in touch with me that may be able to visit with him, it would be much appreciated. I had my laptop at the hospital today thinking he would be able to check Facebook and other sites, and he could not remember passwords and had a difficult time using the keyboard. I have to work this week and if anyone has time to stop in, or call to say hi, that would be great. At this point, his physical health appears on track, but they are not wanting to send him home with cognitive issues. He is currently in room 327 at the Boulder Community Hospital. He does have a phone in his room and his number is 303-938-3327. If he doesn't recognize who you are, he may need a gentle reminder.


UPDATED: Monday Mid-Day 12/30/3013 12:51 P.M.
From his wife, Pam:
More good news on Howard! He is doing better and will be moved out of ICU tomorrow! His cognitive abilities have improved greatly and he is coming back! He should be coming home on Tuesday or Wednesday. Thank you to all who have sent positive thoughts and prayers on his behalf. It really does make a difference! Will let you know tomorrow what day he will be home.

"Pam & Howard"

UPDATED: Saturday Evening 12/28/2013 10:32 P.M.
From his wife, Pam:
Howard is doing much better today! They got him up walking, he recognized me, and told his brother to "get me out of here"! He is talking more, still a little confused but MUCH better! I look for him to get out of the ICU real soon which means he is days away from coming home! Tomorrow I'm going to bring him the latest fishing magazine that came in the mail and a fishing book that he was recently reading. Things are definitely looking up! So we can all take a deep breath and know that he'll be back on line soon and he will be telling some war stories!

Thanks, I'll check in with you tomorrow!

UPDATED: Friday Afternoon 12/27/2013 4:54 P.M.
From his brother, Stewart:
Visiting with brother Howard. He recognizes us but is still unable to verbalize. He's sitting up and maybe tomorrow they can get him walking. His cardiologist said his heart was only functioning at 15% when he drove himself in while having a heart attack. We're lucky to have him with us today.

UPDATED: Friday afternoon 12/27/2013 4:37 P.M.
I have been in communication with Stewart Levett, Howard's brother, a few times in the last 24 hours or so.  Stewart was happy to let us know that they were able to take the Breathing Tube out and Howard is currently breathing on his own.  Still struggling though because of lungs giving him a battle.  Howard is still showing agitation and they are keeping him pretty sedated at the time.
As Stewart says, "He is not quite back to reality yet.  Still talking about or too family members that have been deceased for at least (30) years or so."

I will update as I know more.  Stewart has provided me with the name of the hospital and the mailing address if anyone wants to send get well cards etc.  Please email me if that is what you might want to do and I will send along the information to you.

Just wanted to take a quick moment and give my BlogBuddies and other readers a heads up on how Howard is doing following his Emergency Heart Surgery on Christmas Eve day.

First a response last night via email through Cam at The Fiberglass Manifesto from Howard's wife, Pam.
I had so many cell calls yesterday and got mixed up on who's number belonged to who, so thought I would email you. Howard had a setback this morning. They wanted to take the breathing tube out and tried to unsedate him and he got very agitated. (The nurse called him a wild man!, we can use that one later!)They needed to sedate him again to keep him calm. So right now he is still on the ventilator and is still unconscious. He evidently is having problems breathing due to lung problems (too many years of smoking). So for now they are leaving him alone until tomorrow. He is stable and they changed him from morphine to Dilantin, as they didn't think the morphine was working. The drugs were still in his system from the cath procedure. They were able to get the balloon pump out with no problems. The hope is tomorrow they will be able to take the tube out and will have him sitting up. His chest looks good and he has color in his face. Hopefully after another restful night his body will be able to take over.

Please pass this on to the fellow bloggers and tell them thanks for all the calls and good wishes! Will keep in touch!

Hope your Christmas was blessed!


In addition, heard from Howard's brother, Stewart Levett, just a bit ago.  Here is the very latest that I know:
Stewart wrote: "Thursday Morning Update: Howard did open his eyes briefly this morning. Doctors are hopeful they'll get the tube out. Surgery went well and his heart is functioning fine as are his kidneys but his lungs they're having some difficulty with. They hope to have him awake and sitting up by the end of the day… here's hoping."


  1. Replies
    1. No problem, Steve, Howard would do the same thing for me or you if we were in the same situation. Happy Holidays and keep those prayers coming.

  2. I hope Mel has a speedy recovery.

    1. Daniel, I know you mean't Howard in your comment and not Mel. Howard has been through a lot, but, we all hope that he will soon be on the road to a great recovery.

  3. Thanks for the update Mel. Keep them coming.

    1. Thanks again, Kevin, for checking in. I will let Howard know when I can that he has had many, many well wishers.

  4. He & his family will definitely be in our prayers. Hopefully he'll recover fully, and quickly.

    1. Thanks, Tim, for the Prayers. He needs all he can get. It's a struggle, but, I pray Howard will be on the road to recovery quickly also.

  5. Holding thumbs for Howard and wishing him everything of the best.

    1. Thanks, Trutta, keep those god thoughts coming his way. Together we can all make a difference for Howard.

  6. Mel, thanks for the update. We are praying for Howard's quick recovery.

    1. My pleasure, BDF, your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. I know that for sure!

  7. Mel, Thanks for the update! Please extend my offer to Howard and his family that anything we can do to help we are just up the street. If you could forward me the hospital he is in to I would sure appreciate it!

    1. Al, sent you the address for the hospital. Thanks for being so supportive of what needs or can be done in this situation. Very much appreciated.

  8. Really sad, but I wish him a speedy recovering. Really great to see the fish blogging community come to his support. I know we all have him on our minds.

    1. Atlas, yes it is sad. It was also shocking and sudden. Howard's initial actions were critical in his long term care. Will attempt to keep everyone posted as things change. As a Blogging Community, we do make a big difference.

  9. Thanks for the update guys. Been off-line for several days doing holiday stuff with the family and this is the first I've heard of it.
    Definitely be sending prayers and good thoughts his way in the next few days...I have no doubt Howard will be making us all laugh regularly again in no time.

    1. HPFF, I sure do miss his sense of humor on his blog. Sure could use a good laugh about now. Will attempt to keep everyone updated as we go along here. Keep those Prayers coming.

  10. Mel
    Thanks for keeping all of us informed as to Howard's condition---all of us will continue to follow his progress and know he will be back home soon. Thanks again for the update

    1. Bill, no problem with updating everyone as soon as I hear anything significant. My plan is too just update the current post when I do. Keep those positive thoughts headed to Howard.

  11. Hey Mel. Thanks for the update. If you can drop me the address, I'd like to send a card along. You know where my email lives.

    1. Done, Mark. I am sure Howard will appreciate all the support he gets.

  12. Thanks for all the updates and status in Howard, Mel! He has such a big heart with his works and deeds it must be very trying for him to deal with this. We continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

    1. Dean, more than happy to do it. I know Howard has quite a large following and he needs all the positiveness we can give him at this time.

  13. Mel
    Could you please send me the address of the hospital Howard is in. Thanks Bill

    1. Done, Bill. Check your email! Thanks from me and Howard!

  14. Give em hell Howard! We are all rooting for you!

    1. Morning, Brian! Yup, kind of sounds like Howard is turning the corner in a hard battle. Keep those "Roots" a comin'.

  15. Thank you, Juan, for checking in. Your visits and comments are always welcome. Like I have said, Howard would do the same for me or you.

  16. Awesome! Glad to see he is doing better. Looking forward to his posts again.

    1. Kevin, I call it Guarded Optimism! Howard is doing better, but, he has a long way to go before taking on too much stress. I am sure he will try to be back as soon as he is out of sight of those who are keeping a close eye on him.

    2. Mel, of course we realize his health is a higher priority than blogging. Just trying to be optimistic that his recovery will go well. Thanks again for the updates. We'll all patiently await his return.

  17. I have been closely watching the developments on Howard's progress... sounds like he has made it to the "agitated" status... that's good! Ha. He will be back with us bloggers soon. = )

    1. RD, see my response to Kevin that I just wrote on the comment before yours. He is doing better, but, I hope he takes it very slow and takes the time to really get healthy as possible. Heck, I can usually agitate him with out much trouble, so, he is getting closer.

  18. The news is going in the right direction. Glad to hear he's making improvements.

  19. Hey Mel, you're a good friend for keeping us all updated. I had been away for a while and just heard about howard from Mark. My prayers are with him!

  20. Cameron and I were able to stop by and see Howard yesterday. It was great seeing and talking with him. We are keeping him in prayers for continued recovery.


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