
Friday, January 31, 2014

Pond Stalker In Distress

I had full intention of putting up a new post with some of what I have been up to at the tying bench during January.  With the new vise I received from Mrs. Santa Claus, I had been re-energized and looking forward to focusing on filling my Bluegill and Crappie fly boxes with some fishy looking patterns.  I have worked on some Soft Hackles, some non-descript nymph patterns, some Stayner Ducktails, and some small versions of my Mohair/Bugger patterns just right for Mr. Bluegill.  Heck, maybe even an unsuspecting Bass might give it a whack if I was lucky!

Ok, flies tied.  Thought I would take some pictures of the flies and have them ready for my post.  The flies, along with some fly tying chat would make for a good post.  Ok, pictures taken!

Next, I needed to transfer them from my phone camera to my email.  Thought everything had gone fine and  was ready to fire up this post.

Wrong, my email has crashed and somewhere in cyberland is my pictures.  Well, no post without the pictures.  I will post them along with the other matter as soon as my email is up and running again.  Ok, so I was distressed.  But, only temporarily!

I came across this video posted by Hopper Juan over on his blog.   Problem solved! This is one of the most dramatic and incredible videos I have seen on the net.  Thanks, Juan, for sharing.  Now, I will share.  Besides, this video puts my blog writing post that I was going to post in shame!
Damsels in Distress from Sharptail Media on Vimeo.


  1. I've had something similar happen to me Mel. I just don't admit it. Nice cover and nice video.

    1. Yes, Howard, seems like the Gremlins catch up with me once in awhile. Thanks for all your support and positive comments even when it is obvious I am struggling. Thought everyone should see this video!

  2. WHaaaaaaaaaaat! Please tell me that was not some faked out short!
    WOW! WOW! WOW!

    1. Hi, Kevin! My understanding is that in New Zealand there are some big fish awaiting us. This may be as close to New Zealand as I ever get. Wow, Incredible, both great terms for what you just saw. This video is making the rounds on fellow blogger posts I see. Haven't seen anybody shoot holes in it yet.

  3. Replies
    1. Even my ol' eyes fell in love with that sight, Bill. Huge is calling our name!

  4. Mel
    I don't know which is worst forgetting your camera when you are landing fish or losing all your images to cyberspace; you know that video should get everyone pumped up for the coming season, awesome!!! Thanks for sharing

    1. Well, Bill, I have been known to have taken my camera fishing, but, not taking very many pictures or none at all. I have also forgot my camera at home. The Cyberspace thing was a new one for me. We will recover!! Don't you think a few of us older guys should schedule a trip to fantasy land and try our luck on some of those huge fish. Maybe in our dreams!!

  5. I hate when technical issues like that pop up. I lost a whole day of King salmon fishing once from a faulty SD card. That video is amazing though. I have never seen fish feed like that.

    1. Daniel, I know it happens to other folks, but still, it is a kick in the pants when you lose pictures or memories to technical jargon. Thanks for commiserating with me. That video is not fair this time of the year, unless, we got a plan for New Zealand!

  6. Beautiful Brown's! What an amazing clip. Thanks for sharing!


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