
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Some Blog Posts Are Self Serving......

Ok, 99.5% of my blog posts are written with an attempt to share some information, knowledge, fun, or, just plain goodness with all my blogging friends (AKA: BlogBuddies).  My hope is that someone will read them and benefit from whatever tidbit they want to take with them.  The post becomes a part of my written memory bank for me to reflect back on.  In that sense, the blog is self serving for me.  However, this particular post is 100% self serving as a reminder too me before I go fishing again.
That is a new Colorado 2014 fishing license for me.  In Colorado, I have to get used to the wrinkle in the fishing season.  While living in Eastern Idaho for (35) years, fishing season ran from January 1st - December 31st of each year.  Licenses were required for all adult residents as long as they monitored and followed the Idaho Fish and Game Regulations.  That being said, once I retired to Northern Colorado, I have had to change my thought process.  In Colorado, fishing season begins on April 1st of the current year and runs through March 31st of the following year.  So with very few days left in March and winter still hanging on, I doubt if I get out before the new season kicks in.  Therefore, this post, will be front and center for me to remember to purchase my license in the next few days before I head out to chase me some Bluegill, Crappie, or Bass.  To all of my fellow Colorado anglers, don't forget to ante up for your new license real soon!

With that out of the way, I would like to share with my readers that more than any other year, this year seems like Winter and adverse weather has had a real grip on my fellow Bloggers around the country.  Everyone appears to be chomping at the bit to get some warm weather and break out the casting arm and have some fun.  There are some that have toughed it out and had a good time with some fun catching.  Like, Bill over at Fishing Through Life.  Great Dry Fly fishing already!  Or, Kevin at The Feather Chucker.  He is on ready, set, go with some new Bombers for Bass!  Then there is Alan at Small Stream Reflections.  He has been getting out in the winter weather more than us and is a great read.  Here he shares some Jack Gartside fly patterns that are Pond Stalker Approved.

I just could not finish this post without directing you over to a great  post I read yesterday from Quill over at Fish In The Barrel Pond.  Oh, boy can I relate to this post!  No, I have not forgotten  Mike's last post over at Mike's Gone Fishin.  Read it for yourself.  Which half of the bottle do you prefer?


  1. Thanks for the shout, Mel. The liquid half, for me.

    1. My pleasure, Mike! I loved that post and quietly wondered what I would have said or did in that situation. Or, if my ol' ticker would have just shut off!

  2. I hear you Mel. I grew up in Texas where the season started September 1. Moved to Wyoming where the season started January 1 and now living in Colorado the season starts April 1.
    I'm really confused..........but that may just be my natural state.

    1. Gotcha', John. Being different I guess makes the world go round. I love it here in Colorado, so I will adjust. However, the confused state (mine) might be with me forever. Naturally................

  3. Sorry that Colorado is a little "different". Cal. is 1/1 to 12/31. We'd welcome you here to fish anytime.

    1. Mark, thanks for the invite. l really wish I could just push a button and make it happen. Maybe someday, if the world quits spinning.

  4. With just three weeks before trout season opens in Vermont, the streams are frozen and, with less than five weeks before opening at Fish in a Barrel Pond, we can't tell how much ice is on the lake because of all the snow on top of it. Sometimes I miss those open winters along the Front Range.

    The longer winter lasts, the bigger those from last year get ...

    1. Quill, I do like the winter season in Colorado, but, my mind is wandering right now to open water somewhere! I admire your tenacity for managing "True Winters" in your area. They are magnificent, but, long................... I anticipate that you will have a remarkable fishing season at Fish In The Barrel Pond.

  5. Mel
    Thanks for the plug; I was very lucky that day to witness such a hatch and land that number of trout.
    By the way here in Alabama, one doesn't have to worry about a fishing license, once they reach the magic 65. I guess there is one benefit with getting older. Thanks for sharing

    1. Bill, it was a fine post and a great day of fishing. Just kind of frustrating to us in Colorado who are getting limited fishing opportunities, let alone, dry fly fishing. In Colorado, I really should not complain. At age (64) that is me, your resident fishing license is only $1.00 A small token for all the pleasure you get!

  6. I'm not sorry that Colorado is different Mel. Our licenses used to expire 12/31 until a few years ago. I'm just glad for open seasons year around so those that want to can get out whenever they want..

    1. I wasn't aware of that, Howard. Thanks for chiming in. For me, it is more of a memory thing and you know how that is at our age. But, I have reached the golden age, so I will pay my $1.00 and fish whenever I am able too.

  7. In Illinois the licences ran April to April which is cool because it doesn't cut ice fishing season in half. I believe Wisconsin was January to April the next year giving you more time if you need it and allowing you to ice fish two seasons in a row. Washington State went summer to summer taking advantage of peak season. With all of that I have to say I prefer the simplicity of the January to January licence here in California.

    1. Hi, Daniel, thanks for sharing an array of different season license types that you are aware of. I suppose their are plus's and minus's with all of them. Makes sense to me to keep things simple. Ol' guys like me are just simple!

  8. I have a cali-centric view of fishing. I just assume everything is the same as it is in California. Good to know!

    1. Morning, Juan. It is easy to do when you are in that pattern. Like I said, I was used to Idaho regulations and seasons. I love it here in Colorado. New licenses and ice free Bluegill come about the same time!

  9. Mel, thanks for the boost.
    It snowed this morning, looks like winter does not want to go.
    Here in CT it's 1-1 to 12-31. And free to those of us 65.

    1. Alan, no problem. My pleasure in giving you a shout out. You really do have a great blog and I read often and have learned a lot. We just may go to summer and winter across the country this year. Looks like Spring may be a no show!

  10. Thanks for the reminder about the license....cause the only time I would see the Division of Wildlife would be when I did not have a license and would be able to smile with that dear in the headlights look.....:) Need to get it done before my next trip! Always a pleasure!

    1. I am like you, Al, in many ways. The time when I most need it would be pretty rough if I didn't take the time to be in compliance. Can't afford that at my age. Thanks for the comment.


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