
Monday, June 9, 2014

The "Bug"

I have been busy with thoughts of fly fishing and a mis-guided trip for Crappie due to weather.  Funny how strong winds and pelting rain seem to come up at the most in-appropriate times for fly fisher folk.  Really, all it did, was stoke me for the next trip on the water.  So, in any event, thought I would tell you about The "Bug".

This is a picture of my Granddaughter, Jozee.  She will be, for the purposes of this post, affectionately referred to as The "Bug".
 Now, this picture of The "Bug" was taken several years ago in a Fly shop and Outfitters store in West Yellowstone.  I think this is about the time Grandpa started calling her The "Bug".  See she followed me around the fly shops of West Yellowstone, bugging me and keeping count of Grandpa's dollars.  She made sure that when I finished purchasing my fly shop goodies that I had enough money left over for an ice cream cone.  She certainly fit right in the shop decor.

One of the great things about The "Bug" is, that as a young girl being around Grandpa and other family members who fished, she took an early interest in fishing.  Now, I don't mean to toot my horn here, but The River Damsel, better be aware that there is another generation of River Damsels on the way.  Here is a fairly recent picture of The "Bug" about to hit the fishing road.
Now, The "Bug", stalks the ponds with Grandpa and other family members these days.  She is still learning the fishing ropes and maybe one day will get after them with a fly rod, too.  She is quite proficient at catching Bluegill, Sunfish, and other Perch type.  Here is a picture from just this weekend of her fish catching skills at a local lake.
Ok, so The "Bug" has caught her fair share of fish lately.  She would like me to post all of her pictures, but, I reminded her I wasn't writing a book here just a blog post.  "Grandpa, she asked, you should be sure and tell them about the fish me and my brother caught at the same time." I told her that I probably shouldn't tell that story, the one where her brother fishing one line and The "Bug" fishing a totally different line both hooked the same fish at the same time.  The one about the fish pulling in different directions and you both finally reeling him in standing side by side.  That one about the dumb look on both of your faces as you looked at that poor trout.  I couldn't tell that story on my fishing blog.  My readers would think that you made that story up.  Even, The "Bug" should know that fly fishing Damsels don't lie........................

As a side note to this post, I wanted to mention that The "Bug" recently graduated from grade school and next fall will be joining her fellow friends in something called Junior High.  As we rode home after picking her up at school, I asked The "Bug" if she wanted an ice cream to celebrate her graduating to Junior High.  She said, surprisingly, "No, I just want you to write about me and put some pictures on your blog".  

Well, The "Bug", consider it done.  What a beautiful young Junior High student and Fishing Damsel you will be.
'Nuff said.



  1. Replies
    1. Hi, Joe. Thanks for the visit and the comment. Yes, indeedy, she sure seems to be able to hold her own on the pond. I sure hope she sticks with her interest in fishing.

  2. She's very cute and I'm glad she's interested in fishing. Can't get my Grandkids any where near the water.

    1. Thank you, Mark, she must have gotten the cuteness from her mother, not her Grandfather. I am very concerned about today's youth and what they spend their time doing.

  3. Mel...

    she's a cute one...indeed.....glad to hear she likes to fish..i wish more parents would take their children fishing instead of playing video games all day !!

    I had a great day sunday...275 bluegill...and today only an hour and rained wrist is sore !!!

    keep I love reading about your travels and tribulations.....

    tight lines

    1. Oh, Dave, forgot to mention, congrats on a super day of Bluegill fishing. Take care of that wrist :)

  4. Great post - the Bug wins the internet today! Congrats to Jozee on putting grade school in the rear view and showing Grandpa how it's done at the pond.

    1. Thanks, Michael, I know she will be reading this and all the positive comments that she gets should only help her self esteem as a young lady and a fisher gal. It was hard for me to let everyone know that she sometimes outfishes ol' Grandpa.

  5. Jozee sure is cute as a bug Mel. I have no doubt that with Grandpa assisting, she will be a great fisherman. Yes, maybe another Damsel.

    1. Howard, my brother, she was "tagged" the Bug. Interesting how it all works out. Trust me there are times when she would rather not listen to Grandpa and his fishing tips. As I mentioned above in a response, none of that cuteness comes from me. and, I sure appreciate you not rubbing that in.........................................................................

  6. That's awesome that you can share your passion of fishing together.

    1. Thanks, Kevin, for the visit and leaving a comment. I have to admit that her father and her other family members have been more than willing to let her tag along and "Bug" them to learn fishing skills, too. Grandpa just takes all the credit..........................

  7. Mel,

    I'm teaching my 11 year old son to fly fish too. It can be difficult at times when the fish are difficult or the weather doesn't cooperate. I like the time together and hope he enjoys it. Great job on working on the next generation of fly fishers.


    1. Kudo's to you, Ryan, for making the effort with your son. I hope that he sticks with it and the memories that you are building last a lifetime. Those memories are better than any fish, anyway.

  8. Mel
    What a trooper, reminds me of my Jenny when she was that age. Enjoy the moments because they grow up so fast. Thanks for sharing a great story

  9. Well, if she isn't the darn cutest thing ever! It's great to see the little ones enjoying and appreciating the outdoors. Great job Mel!

    1. Kristen, very happy to have you stop by my blog and leave a comment. You are a great example of how the female side is becoming, or has already become, a significant factor in fly fishing circles. Thank you for the kindness in your comment. Come back as often as you can............................................

  10. Great post, Mel! The Bug looks to be a rising star!

    1. Thank you, Justin! After reading all of these great comments she well may be a fishing force to deal with. Thanks for the visit and comment.


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