
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hope You Have Not Thrown The Pond Stalker Overboard Yet................................

Well, here is hoping that all my blogging friends have not thrown the Pond Stalker overboard yet for being the most dysfunctional Blogger on the boat.  If you have already, here is hoping that you threw me a life preserver and are willing to give me another chance at this blogging stuff.  For, I cannot swim a lick and would quickly sink to the deepest part of depths unknown.

You see, in a fit of disgust with myself and my blogging skills, I have been all over the place of late.  Blogging about Fly Fishing, Spin Fishing, and other non-sensical matter.  Heck, I even thought I wanted to be a "Dot Com" guy with my own neat web address.  You see that was my first mistake.  No sense trying to be a fancy blogger with your own web address.  I am too old for all that, especially when it comes to remembering technical jargon and how to be in complete control of your own site.  Oh, I did move my blog over to Wordpress and set it all up and immediately became  a blogger there.  I will say this, it is a more complicated system over there.  I struggled with it.  My blog hits went way down.  Less readers means less feel of community!  Some of my favorite followers of my blog struggled to get their posts through a tricky spam system there so that they could even post on my blog.  In the end, I did what I felt was the right thing and kicked that blog system to the curb.  

I thought that I had blogged my last word.  Retired Blogger was my new title.  That lasted just a few days and I could not just pack it in, so, here I am back at Blogger with my new blog site and look.  Blogging on Blogger is just way more fun and Blogger has a great community of bloggers to share with.  

So, if you find your way here and want to be a Follower of my blog writings still, then I will most appreciate it.  If you came and you don't like what you see or are tired of following my words and nonsense of following me all over the internet from one corner to another, I completely understand that too!  

If you decide to link me up on your Blogroll you will need to use this link:

Hope to see you back in touch with me here and long live the Pond Stalker, My BlogBuddies, and, the Pond Stalker Community.

With that said,
I think I will go fishing and not worry about it anymore!



  1. Mel! Welcome back! Somehow I knew you couldn't stay away for long...

    Since you have that flashy dot com, why not use it here on blogger? I'd be happy to help, or that guy from T! (Hi Mike) is really good with the blogger format, too. Let me know old friend. I , for one , am glad your retirement was short lived!

    1. Hi, Josh. Thanks, as always, for your support. You have been down all the blogging roads with me I believe, and, continue to follow my journey. That is what a BlogBuddy really is! Thanks for offering on the dot com thing...................................... I am going to let the dust settle and get some fishing in. Perhaps some time this winter, I will get back with you if I have questions on how to switch over without all the headaches. Happy hook ups!

    2. Fishing is always a solid plan! You're very welcome for the support, especially since you are one of the few that returns the favor. I miss the old Blog Cabin Angler days, back before I had my own dot com. Rose colored lenses aside, it seemed like we had a closer, more supportive community back then. Of course, we still do to an extent, but so many bloggers and blogs have come and gone that I lose track of who is posting where these days!

      As for the dot com, just let me know if you need any help! Here on blogspot/ blogger, it's not much more than pasting it into the right place, and you should actually be able to use the one you had for PondStalker at WordPress if I'm not mistaken.

      Tight lines, my friend!

    3. Thanks for all the kind words and sharing of your thoughts about some of the good ol' days in early blogging times. I think we were closer back then because it was all so new and we needed each other just to know someone was out there in reader land. I sure agree that many, many bloggers come and go. Blogging is not as easy as most might think. It takes a real commitment to what you are doing, and, it takes time you can't get back once it has passed. It really does take a "love" of blogging to be even moderately successful in getting regular readers. Again, thanks for being one of the best BlogBuddies a guy could have.

      I will touch base with you to make sure I am doing things correctly as I adjust to the dot com thing as time passes. Now, let's go catch a fish!

  2. I think sometimes we take ourselves a little too seriously. It's a friggin hobby for heavens sake. I'm glad you're keeping at it.

    1. Hi, Kevin. Thanks for hitting the nail on the head with that comment. After all, Blogging and Fishing, combined should be as much fun as this ol' guy can handle. No sense mixing up the stew! Thanks for being a BlogBuddy.

  3. Personally I'm glad you're back to Blogspot. I've had nothing but nightmares with Wordpress and I'm not even on it. Every time I would comment, it would go to spam. Oh, and I've updated my blogroll. I did my .com through GoDaddy and haven't had any problems with it. Might think about that the next time you change.

    1. Hi, Mark. So, so happy that you have followed me around all these years. Wordpress was a mistake for me. I realize that I was not seeing your comments that were being hung up in Spam. That being said, very great to be back on Blogger and see all my regular friends again. Thanks for updating my link on your blogroll. I certainly will give GoDaddy a good look when I adjust my address the next time. If you can do it, I should be able too..............Tee Hee!

  4. Welcome back, Mel. I agree this format is much easier to keep up with! Hope you're well.


    1. Hello again, Ross. Very happy to be back on Blogger and appreciate you re-connecting with me. I am, although it might not sound like it with my crazy posting here, doing quite well. Happy hook ups this fall!

  5. Welcome back! I have updated your link on my blog list.

    1. Hi, Justin. Thanks for adding me back on your blogroll. I sure appreciate your comments here and your writings over on your blog. Keep up the great work!

      Yes, I am happy to be back among my blogging friends.

  6. I forgive you Mel, but this is your final notice. Don't let it happen again! haha I like your blogspot look better!

    1. Juan, somehow I knew you would come by and leave me with a challenge. Thank you so much for being a BlogBuddy. Thanks for re-linking back to my blog here on Blogger. BTW, keep up the work on those nice Bass out your way!

  7. Looking good buddy! Kind of like the Old Blog Cabin, it's comfortable.

    1. Thanks, Howard. Your insights and support have been oh so helpful over my many years of blogging and the various journeys along the way. Never be another Blog Cabin Angler, but, maybe this is close! You are "the" example of what a BlogBuddy is..
      Now, go catch a fish!

  8. Mel your all hooked up.
    Stay with blogger buddy.

    1. Alan, hello! I so appreciate your visits and comments here. I am blessed to have you as a BlogBuddy and sure appreciate you getting me all linked up again over on your "incredible" Blog. Hail to the Blogger format!

  9. Mel
    Soooooooo glad you are back on blogger, I have to admit I think I was one who was having trouble getting my post to appear at times on your Wordpress blog, but all is well now and you are back with all your blogger buddies. Glad to have you back and look forward to more great post from you. Will change the blog address

    1. Soooooooo happy to be back on Blogger, Bill, amongst all my great friends here. The group that supports each other on Blogger is a great bunch of guys and gals. You may have very well been one of the folks who were having trouble posting comments on my Wordpress Blog. I know that there were a few more, too!
      Anyway, great to be back here and thank you again for linking to my blog on your blogroll. All "is" well.....................

  10. Good to have you back, Mel! You're still on the blog roll as if you never left. I also have played around with Wordpress and I have decided to keep a blog over there many to read and repost other Wordpress fly fishing content. I'm an occasional blogger in general, but do appreciate the amount of effort you and others put into posting new content on a regular basis. Keep up the great work!!

    1. Good Morning, Dean! Always a pleasure to have you stop by and leave a comment when you can. I know there are a number of very good blogs over on Wordpress and I enjoy them. I just felt like at my age, I didn't have the time or patience (energy) that it takes to build a new audience and hope all my BlogBuddies followed me over there. Kudos to all of you who do use Wordpress. Blogging is blogging in the end and we need to all support each other. Thank you, again, for all the support you have given me over the years. Post when you want too, I will be following along.


Your visit and comments are always welcome here.