
Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick Or Treat......Fly Tying

Waiting for all the neighborhood kids and my Grandkids to converge on the Pond Stalker Headquarters for some Trick or Treating goodies.   Actually, my wife has warned me to stay out of the goodies and make sure there is some left for all the ghouls, goblins, witches, and, robust power rangers this evening.


I spent some time looking back at some ol' fly tying pictures I have hung on to for some reason.  No, no pretty flies here.  Just a few memories.  Like this one.
Man, that was a long time ago.  I was doing a fly tying rehearsal just prior to the start of the Eastern Idaho Fly Tying Expo.    What a fun time back in the day.............................

Or, like this one.  Again, no pretty flies, just me, my vise, and some Jack Daniels..............
 This was a late night tying session in a lodge I was staying in prior to fishing the Green River below Flaming Gorge Reservoir.  Which way did the trout go?..............................................

Anyway, I have really enjoyed tying flies now for around (35) years.  Nothing pretty, just simple fishing fun........................

With that in mind, and beings it is Halloween, spent some time today tying up some spooky looking flies that probably won't catch a darn thing.  Just some fun with Halloween  and a belly full of candy................

Trick Or Treat Hopper
Beadhead Trick Or Treat Nymph
Beadhead Trick Or Treat Leech
Well, anyway, enough of the fun.  I better nap before the doorbell starts ringing.  Have a 



  1. One thing about living out in the middle of nowhere, you save a fortune on candy at Halloween.

    1. Unless, of course, Mark, you choose to feed the bears who come a knockin'........................
      That would be "beary scary"......................

  2. Those are some great pictures, Mel. Did you ever find which way the trout went? haha

    I'm sure those Halloween flies will do very well for you. Only one way to find out!

    1. Actually, I did have a splendid day on the Green River. Nice trout were feeding on Griffiths Gnats as I recall. Of course, I probably needed someone to point me in the right direction after that fly tying session,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

      I am going to toss these Halloween works of art at some stocked trout soon. Maybe, even a Smallmouth Bass...........

  3. Some great old photos. Time does move in a rapid fashion.
    Mel did you leave the candy, or like me sample it before giving it to the kiddies.

    1. Alan, it sure does seem like only yesterday in my mind, but in truth, I know it was long ago. Except for the fly patterns that were just tied yesterday.

      I sampled the candy until I got the "look" from my wife that said I am about to go to the store to buy more if I don't stop.....................

  4. Trick or Treat! Oh wait...Happy Thanksgiving. I lost your phone number...

    1. Time does have a way of slipping by, Howard..................................
      Thanks for blessing of Happy Thanksgiving...............
      I am alive, don't know about well, but, I am alive..............


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