
Monday, January 19, 2015

My Custom Built "Blue Halo" From The Beginning

I wanted to share with my readers how things were coming along on my custom built Blue Halo fiberglass rod.

 If you are a regular reader of my blog then, as you recall, I have been blessed to asked to be a Field Tester for Average Joe's Fishn Poles.  Phillip Butterfield does some beautiful work on custom built rods and I have been eyeballing them a lot over the past year or so.  I was ecstatic to have Phillip offer me this opportunity to be a Field Tester.  I am ready, willing, and able to put this custom built sweetheart to the test this year on The Big Thompson River and my favorite ponds near home.

Phillip sent along some pictures for me to get the idea of what the rod's appearance and quality are.  I would like to share those pictures with you here.

It is a 8' Three Piece 5 Wt.
Yup, that would be me...................
Three Piece All Maple handle group
This is a note attached from Phillip:
" Thought I would give you a little look see as to the rod that you will be getting: The first thing that you'll notice different is the three piece maple handle group; next is the lack of an agate stripping guide (trust me those are purely for decoration and they don't come on the $299.95 factory model) Next you will notice that the mid section and the tip have matched guides. That is about all of the differences between my build and a factory build.  Oh I have also wrapped the furrel the full length to provide additional support, that too is different from the factory model."
Headed to Colorado..................................
Those are sweet words to my ears.  Anticipating getting out and putting a line on this and beginning my evaluation.  I am sure you will hear more from me about Average Joe's Fishn Poles
 Stay tuned...............................................

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The "After Christmas" Owl......And Cabin Fever......

In my last post, I referred to receiving an after Christmas package of fly tying goodies from
 Owl Jones Art & Design.

It was packed full of a number of different fly tying goodies that Owl thought I could use this winter.  As I said, previously in the other post, he sure went out of his way to make a guy on the other side of the U.S.A. one happy old dude.  While I won't get into what all was sent along too me, I will make note of something here that I hope my readers take a close look at.
Pictured here are a couple of beautifully painted and tied Zazzy Poppers meant to be tossed for some ornery Largemouth Bass hiding under cover of whatever.  I just wanted to say, while I am not a skilled Popper fly rod angler, I certainly plan on giving these a go when the ice comes off the ponds.  Better yet, on through the summer morning and evenings also.  I have checked these two out and they are well tied and appear indestructible as far as the Popper head goes. I will give a review of how the Zazzy's do after they have been used a bit.

Now on to another point about Owl Jones.  Owl is a very active fellow.  Along with his successful Artwork, Owl is back on board the fly fishing blogging scene with his latest efforts.  Owl's new blog is called Fishlicker.  If you have read or tuned into some of Owl's past activities on the blogging scene you know he is a very talented writer, very funny when he wants to be, and, a pretty darn good fly angler to boot.  Do me a favor and get over and visit Owl's blog and say hello and let him the Pond Stalker is saying things about him..................................

Owl has also just began his winter time production line for his Zazzy Poppers.  He does keep it seasonal at this point,  So if you are interested in picking up some of his custom made Poppers check out his Zazzy Popper Facebook page.

Now, about that Cabin Fever stuff.  It sets in every year about this time out my way in Colorado.  Just can't wait to get out on some open water and fling a fly.  You know you can only watch so many fly fishing videos or tie up so many Wooly Buggers during the winter.  Anyway, I wanted to share what my BlogBuddy Josh has been up too over at Something's Fishy.
Josh has been trophy trout fishing with a fly.....................................................................
You will enjoy this, I did..........................................................

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A New Year's Ramble...............................

Good Morning!
 What a rush! I see I have not posted since a little before Christmas so thought I would kick it in gear with my first post of 2015.  I am thinking that there were several small things I wanted to post about.  While, perhaps, none of them is worthy of a full post on their own, maybe collectively they will make for a heads up on what is and has been going on here at Pond Stalker Headquarters................ So with that I will begin my ramble...................

We had a wonderful Christmas season here at Pond Stalker Headquarters.  In fact, it was probably one of the best Christmas's with family in recent memory.  Also, received some blessings from BlogBuddies, Fly Tackle Dealers, and Facebook fly fishing friends.  More on that in a minute.

Recently, I went in and had my Flu and Pneumonia shot.  Results, I got sick!
 Oh, well......... At my age you try to take whatever precautions you can.  But, still, I don't like being sick,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A friend asked me the other day about what I thought of the current issues we have in this country about Homeless Veteran's.  I didn't waste any words in telling her what I thought.  Take a minute if you will, and, contemplate on this.........................
 Folks, we have a problem here in the land of the free,,,,,,,,,,,,,'Nuff said.

Ok, lets ramble for awhile about how great is to have a wonderful bunch of guys and gals who support our blogging efforts and our efforts through other social networks like Facebook in my case.  I want to give a shout out to folks who made my holiday season extra special.  First off, all of the Contests and Giveaways from fly tackle dealers over on Facebook always adds to the fun.  I enter a lot, and most often, don't win a thing.  However, I still feel good about that as friends are winning and that makes me happy! I did win a dozen flies that I am looking forward to receiving from a new Fly Shop down in Eagle Nest, New Mexico.  

I, also, received an after Christmas package of fly tying goodies from my long time blogging friend, Owl Jones Art & Design.  Now Owl is a fly fisher, fly tyer, and artist.  We had talked about sending a long a few things that I could use, but I have to tell you Owl, you out did yourself here and I am very grateful for your blessings.

Also, want to send along a shout out to my friend, John Wood at JWFlyfishing.  John has provided flies to me to be field tested once I can get on the water.  Please take a moment and have a look at John's Blog and website.  He has some great patterns that I think will excite the fish wherever you may be.  He, also, makes some beautiful custom fly fishing nets, and, I will be picking up some of his Twisted and Tied Leaders to play with this season.

I have saved some exciting news for last on this post.  The other day, one of those sick days, I received a message from Phillip Butterfield at Average Joe's Fishin Poles.  He wanted to know if I would be interested in becoming a Field Tester for his custom made fly rods.  After a short conversation, an agreement was finalized, and, I am soon to be the owner of a 
Blue Halo 8' 4-5wt Fiberglass Custom Build to my specifications from Phillip.  As Phillip said too me, "Have a happy Halo New Year".  I have so noted on my side bar at the top of this blessing from Phillip. 

I am very excited about 2015 and my time on the water.  May your year be filled with blessings and happy hook ups.