
Thursday, January 15, 2015

The "After Christmas" Owl......And Cabin Fever......

In my last post, I referred to receiving an after Christmas package of fly tying goodies from
 Owl Jones Art & Design.

It was packed full of a number of different fly tying goodies that Owl thought I could use this winter.  As I said, previously in the other post, he sure went out of his way to make a guy on the other side of the U.S.A. one happy old dude.  While I won't get into what all was sent along too me, I will make note of something here that I hope my readers take a close look at.
Pictured here are a couple of beautifully painted and tied Zazzy Poppers meant to be tossed for some ornery Largemouth Bass hiding under cover of whatever.  I just wanted to say, while I am not a skilled Popper fly rod angler, I certainly plan on giving these a go when the ice comes off the ponds.  Better yet, on through the summer morning and evenings also.  I have checked these two out and they are well tied and appear indestructible as far as the Popper head goes. I will give a review of how the Zazzy's do after they have been used a bit.

Now on to another point about Owl Jones.  Owl is a very active fellow.  Along with his successful Artwork, Owl is back on board the fly fishing blogging scene with his latest efforts.  Owl's new blog is called Fishlicker.  If you have read or tuned into some of Owl's past activities on the blogging scene you know he is a very talented writer, very funny when he wants to be, and, a pretty darn good fly angler to boot.  Do me a favor and get over and visit Owl's blog and say hello and let him the Pond Stalker is saying things about him..................................

Owl has also just began his winter time production line for his Zazzy Poppers.  He does keep it seasonal at this point,  So if you are interested in picking up some of his custom made Poppers check out his Zazzy Popper Facebook page.

Now, about that Cabin Fever stuff.  It sets in every year about this time out my way in Colorado.  Just can't wait to get out on some open water and fling a fly.  You know you can only watch so many fly fishing videos or tie up so many Wooly Buggers during the winter.  Anyway, I wanted to share what my BlogBuddy Josh has been up too over at Something's Fishy.
Josh has been trophy trout fishing with a fly.....................................................................
You will enjoy this, I did..........................................................


  1. Mel, cabin fever is well represented here. We are itching to fish, if only the ice would recede. Going to a fly fishing show tomorrow that should help.

    1. Hi, Alan. Thanks for stopping by and taking up some of your Cabin Fever time with my blog. I understand you folks have had a blast of cold back your way. Hope to see you back on the water soon. Have a lot of fun at the Fly Fishing Show, that usually does the trick for me. Missed ours this year as I had the flu bug.

  2. Yep, there's only one Owl Jones and I'm happy he's back in all his incarnations. I was hoping you could teach me popper fishing. I'm clueless. Cabin Fever is put off for a few weeks after I go to the fly fishing show. It's been my tradition for over 20 years...all to help keep me less crazy.

    1. I hear ya', Howard, fun to see Owl back amongst the pack. I think we should take some time after it warms up and hit a few Bass and Bluegill ponds in the area. We can learn that stuff together! I have been doing the Bluegill thing for years, but, Bass with poppers is a new game for me.

  3. I'm sure my cabin fever is nothing compared to yours but it still makes me do crazy things. Hang in there its "suppose" to be a warm it won't be long until your flinging those zazzy poppers. I'll head there next!!

    1. Drew, here in Northern Colorado the winters are not that bad at all. However, it can still take you off your game for awhile. Particularly, if you are an ol' Geezer like me or Howard. Thanks for going over and giving Zazzy Poppers a look. They are some well built stuff...............................

  4. Looks like you received quite the gift. I love fishing poppers. Seeing a bass explode on the surface to destroy a fly is exhilarating. I have found the best times for that would be in the early morning or evening (dawn and dusk).

    1. Hi, Justin. Thanks for the tips on fishing Poppers for Bass. It is a new game for me on a fly rod so I am really looking forward to some action. We will have to wait several weeks as the ice is on our ponds and will be for awhile. May have to bug for a little more info on surface fishing Poppers as we get closer to go time!

  5. Mel, you think way too much of this redneck fly slinger - but I appreciate the plug, sir! If you start throwing those things around the time the bass are spawning, you'd better hold on to your rod! :) They get mighty aggressive when mating is on the line (so do I. :) LOL ) - and that Something Fishy guy really had me going with his latest post. Def. worth a read and he has some good saltwater fishing tips in that blog of his, too.

    1. Redneck Fly Slinger, no man, you are The Redneck Fly Slinger at The Fish Licker Blog! Tee Hee............................................
      Great to have you back amongst us bloggy fly flingers........................

      Thanks, Owl, for checking out Josh's blog. I had a great laugh at his post. Yes, he does provide some good information on Salt Water fishing. It is just a long cast from out here in Northern Colorado..................
      Note: My sidebar now has one of those "Zazzy Pop" whichamacallit's stuck up there..................................

  6. Owl - Good he's back.
    Josh - Great story.
    You - Can come to California and fish any time.

    1. Mark, my good blogging buddy, I sure wish I could take you up on that as I struggle with some Cabin Fever at my age. Just about now, I would love beating the water at one of your lakes even if it all was just for exercise............

      Thanks for applauding Owl, and, Josh!

  7. Mel, thank you so much for the tip of the hat, the link, and the kind words. Most of us "writers" can always use words of encouragement, and I KNOW yours have helped me and a great many others get through moments of self doubt. It really is great to have you back blogging with us, my friend.

    Those are fine looking poppers just begging to be tossed on a pond at daybreak! I know Owl's last production run got rave reviews for dura- and fish- a bility. I may have to get a few this time around, I think the trout in these parts might even go for them!

    Mark and Owl, thank you both for the kind words, as well. I'm trying to "use it before I lose it" with the writing/blogging.. It felt good too, though I've forgotten how to type! Seeing you both commenting here, on a post by Mel....if we could round up a couple of others we could call it an OBN reunion....

    Thanks again Mel, you really are the best!

    1. Josh, thanks for the very humbling response. I love blogging and connecting via words about fly fishing with all my online friends. It is my pleasure to be able to give "a tip of the hat" when I read or see or hear of one of my friends doing something well. Your last post, absolutely, will help me and other through this year's Cabin Fever. So, kudos to you for your effort! There are a few of us bloggers who have been around forever it seems and the OBN served as our backbone that is for sure. Would love to see it become as vital as it once was. Reunions can be a lot of fun when it is with folks you admire.

  8. I know nothing about poppers besides they are very cute and I love their colors. Maybe when I come out in May, we can find some warm enough water to throw some in...

    1. RD, that just might be a possibility depending on how Spring settles in Northern Colorado. Always fun to try anyway! A Bass explosion on one of these Poppers would be a charge...................

      Let's you and I agree to keep secret the fact that our friend, Owl, makes "cute" poppers. Might mess with his ego!

  9. I am glad Owl is back as well and its awesome that he sent you that stuff. Great artist he is.

    1. Sure happy to have Owl back blogging with us too. He kind of livens the place up ever once in awhile. He is doing well with his Artistry and I am a new fan of Zazzy Pops. Look out Bass!


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