
Monday, February 23, 2015

The "Geezer" Hatch.....................

Continuing to be confined to the home while the most recent blast of snow covered up Northern Colorado highways and surrounding area with heavy snow does have it's benefits.  

Just as in the case of my previous post,
fly fishing videos can be a beautiful respite.

So can a blog post by some fellow bloggers.  In this case, from the great blog, at Gink & Gasoline

Let me be up front with everyone.  I am a Viet Nam Veteran.  Some of you may have already known that.  Some not, I am sure.  In any manner, I have been profoundly impacted by my time during the war and have looked for a way to explain who I am and how I feel about it.

Well, when I read this post this morning over on Gink and Gasoline, I can't begin to tell you what it meant to me.  For it said everything about the time and the men and women that lived and died during that time.  Kind of like, "This is us, me, never forget what we have been through".  

If you are a regular follower of my blog and give a hoot about the Pond Stalker, please indulge me and read this post from the folks at Gink and Gasoline.  It is me, one of those Ol' Geezers.


  1. Louis nails it, for sure. Always a favorite; now even more respected. Thanks Mel, and all of you veteran "Geezers, for your service.

    1. Mike, this was so well written and so closely identified what I have been thinking for some time. I just could not put it into words as the author did. Incredible feeling when I read it. Appreciate the thought!

  2. Mel! Thank you for your service! Thank you for your sacrifices and those of your family! It is a pleasure and you make a difference in all those you support and enjoy spending time reading your work! Thanks for sharing the link and all you do!

    1. Al, thank you my friend, for the kind words and respect you have shown me. I really believe in "Pay It Forward" for I have been blessed to be here. I will continue to do everything I can to help support other bloggers and folks who read my posts.

  3. Mel
    Just read the Gink and Gasoline post link on your blog and found it very compelling and appreciating even more every Veteran in this country.
    You my friend deserve our gratitude and admiration for the sacrifice you made for this country, and I thank you.
    I was blessed with a high lottery number which kept me out of that brutal war, but my best friend was called up with an extremely low number. We both were at Miss. State attending college when we found out our faith. Thank for sharing

    1. Bill, thanks for those humbling comments. It really means a lot too me. It has been a life long struggle and only recently have folks began to even talk about those Veterans of that war with any emotion. Thanks for reading Gink and Gasoline and leaving your comment here. The blogger over there knocked it out of the park!

  4. That's one of the greatest pieces I've ever read. Thanks so much brother Mel, for posting the link and for your service. Although lucky enough to have not had to serve, I'm still haunted by what I know and the friends that were lost. God Bless America...that's what it's about.

    1. Indeed, Howard, indeed it is. What it meant too me is beyond emotional. As I have said, I am blessed to be here today and to have the quality of life I have. The Friends lost, the Scars, and the Memory's are a battle I deal with on an ongoing basis. May God be with all of us ol' Geezers..........................

  5. My rear end was in final stage of clearing post for my final time. The offensive started 5 day's before my ETS......2/6/68.
    I'm happy to be a geezer, there is no higher degree in any university.

    1. Alan, I am proud to know you and I applaud your time and service to our country. We made it, buddy! The pain and memories though never fade.

      Let me give you a Salute, Brother Vet and Geezer................................

  6. Thank you sir for your service.
    I really enjoyed that read. Having enjoyed many a moment learning from the "geezer hatch" members on one of my local rivers, it made me thin a bit more about some of them.

    1. RM, thank you for the kind words and the respect. I wonder if the author of the post had any idea what kind of impact it would make............
      Good point in learning what you can on the river from "Geezer Hatch". Many of them have been through it all, and are honored when someone treats them with respect and dignity....................

  7. Thank you for your service vets are the best!

    1. Penbayman, thanks for the humbling respect you have stated. Those words mean so much to us all........................

  8. Another great share that I would have missed, Mel. Thank you, for your service! I have not served but am grateful for everyone that has.

    1. Justin, it is my pleasure to share on my blog the work of other bloggers once in awhile. This particular post from Gink and Gasoline was so compelling I had to post a link here. Thank you for your kind words about my service time. Sure much appreciated!

  9. Thanks for sharing. My dad was a scout dog handler in VN. 2 tours, 2 dogs lost, 2 PH's...gave him a great appreciation for life. I know he tried and I'd like to think he passed that appreciation on to me. I respected him (and other Vets) so much, I enlisted while in High School and spent 6 years decision I ever made!

    1. Thanks, Drew, for sharing your personal side with me here. Your Dad, indeed, deserves all the accolades. He certainly earned them! You have every reason to be so proud of what he sacrificed for our country.

      My very personal, thank you, also for your service time of our country. I salute you my fellow Vet!

  10. A great piece that I hadn't read yet. Thanks, Mel!!! All I can say is, that I'm proud to be an American! Here's to all who have served and put the country before themselves... it is a noble act for sure. May your family be blessed for your service.

    1. Always my pleasure, Emily. It is one of the best blog posts I have read in a long time. Maybe because it hit so close too home for me. Thank you for your kind words. They are appreciated.


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