
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Time To Salute Some Friends Of The Pond Stalker

Things are a rush this time of year!  So much is happening with my BlogBuddies and other fly fishing resources that I thought I would take a moment today to give them a Salute from the Pond Stalker.  Let me first begin by addressing the fact that fellow BlogBuddies, fly fishing retailers, etc. seem to go out of their way to make the Christmas season a fun and exciting time.  

I want to take care of some happenings that have been going on with myself and the Pond Stalker blog to begin with.  I have been fortunate lately and I would like to say thanks a bunch to the folks at Rocky Mountain Anglers Fly Shop and also the good folks at & H Outfitters for their efforts in having drawings that I was lucky enough to win.  A great new fishing cap from Rocky Mountain Anglers and a classy new t-shirt from H & H Outfitters.  Here is a picture that I hope does justice to both.
My new favorite hat
(Note: The Hat Patch with the flies
is another gadget I will get too in just 
a bit)
My newest Fly Fishing related T-shirt
Love the color!
Also, recently had a nice surprise in the mail from the folks at Nature Boy Designs.  They had read my previous post on "Do I need a lanyard" here on the blog.  They had sent me the 
NBD 225 Lanyard to use.
In addition, they sent along the Hat(ch) Patch to wear on my hat and give them some feedback.
Now look back at the previous picture of my hat with some flies loaded and ready for use.  This is a neat new product and I think will be an item that anyone who uses a ball cap when fishing will appreciate.  Just clips on and holds flies securely.  Want to change hats.  Just pull off the Hat(ch) Patch and put on another hat.  Simple, and, very useful.

It is also about time that Rebecca Garlock over at the OBN received the Thumbs up Award from the Pond Stalker.  If you are an outdoor blogger at all, I am sure that you have heard of or otherwise participate in activity over on that great site.  If not, go right now! Join, participate, share, it's Blogging Heaven!  Recently, the OBN and Chippewa Boots linked up to provide an opportunity for lucky outdoor bloggers to have a chance to be chosen to receive a pair of Chippewa boots to use and then review on their blog.  Actually, (5) outdoor bloggers got that opportunity.
I am very excited to let everyone know that I was chosen to receive a pair of these great boots to use and abuse for awhile while in the outdoors.  I will do just that and am more than happy to do a review on my blog.  Thanks, Chippewa!

Not to leave off here some of my fellow BlogBuddies who have also been in the spirit of giving during the holidays.  I will do a follow up post to address all the goodies and opportunities they have going on.  So don't forget to check back.


  1. And three thumbs up to you Mel. I'm glad to see that some of my luck has rubbed off on you! Congrats.

    1. Thanks, Howard, true I have had a little run of luck. At my age, don't get "lucky" very often! Appreciate all your support.

  2. Hope you like those boots. Better they go to you than me. it gets too hot for them over here in California anyway. :D

    1. Daniel, really looking forward to wearing, abusing, and reviewing the boots. I needed them, my feet feel like a road map of Georgia on most days!

  3. Nice gear and I hope that you will be making more visits to the water next year...

    1. Me, too, RD! Maybe just maybe we will get a happy hook up together.

  4. I'm glad you've got a lanyard to try out, very generous of them! I could see myself using the hat patch too, seems like a handy little thing..

    1. Oliver, Nature Boy Designs are great folks to work with. Very thankful to get both products from them. The lanyard is the smaller version that I will attach to my fanny pack. I think the Hat(ch) Patch is a great idea, too.

  5. Mel
    What a haul; my favorite would have to be the hat, whoever got the patent on that little gadget to hold your flies reaped some benefits. I just visited their website and was impressed with the products. I could have used the hat patch yesterday. Congrats ---thanks for sharing.
    P.S I thought I joined your site as a follower, but some reason it doesn't show??

    1. Thank you, Bill. Indeed it seems like a nice haul! Again, Nature Boy Designs products are first class. The Hat(ch) Patch is a little spendy, but, well made and what a great idea.
      Your listed as a "Follower" on my end Bill. Thanks for all your support.

  6. Thank you Mel!! I really appreciate the shout out and thumbs up. I'm especially excited that you won the Chippewa boots and I have no doubt they'll treat you well in the Great Outdoors.

    You started my day out with a great big smile, thank you again =)

    1. Rebecca, certainly my pleasure to applaud your effort at the OBN. You and OBN have been very supportive of all I have ever tried to do with my blogging efforts. Time for me to pay it forward! I am super excited to get those boots in the mail. They are going to get used every day this winter. Review forthcoming!

  7. Replies
    1. That I did, Mark, that I did. Like I told Howard in my comment back to him, "At my age, I don't score too often".

  8. Congratulations Mel! I look forward to hearing about the boots! thanks for all you do for the bloggers in the blogosphere! You make a difference! Thanks


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