
Monday, February 17, 2014

Internet Implosion! Oh, And I Tie Pretty Flies...............

I would bet that some of you readers and lookers thought I would never get that last post off my BlogYou tired of looking at Peyton Manning yet?  No, it did not take me two weeks to get over my Super Bowl hangover and disappointment.  What a pathetic performance.  'Nuff said!

What I do want to vent on here, just briefly, is how important good reliable internet service is for all of us that rely on our Blogs and Facebook and Pinterest  etc. for our form of communication with others about what we love to do in our spare time.  To get to the point, you pay your bill, you expect to receive the service necessary.  Granted, your computer could become a virus heaven and could crash on you.  We all live with that little thought somewhere in the backs of our minds.  What I am frustrated with is what I call Internet Implosion.  Computer works fine, no problem.  However, your local provider takes a crap............................. Just gone in about a days time.  No warning!  Wait I payed for the service.  Woe is me! I now have to find another reliable resource to use that will insure me this will not happen too me again.  Find the Provider.  Next up, scheduling the hook up.  Unbelievably, this has taken about two weeks to complete.  Hurray, I am back blogging, but, what a pain in the arse!

Now, to that pretty flies part.  Having basically no computer for anything worthwhile for two weeks gave me some extra time at the tying bench. I will share here a little of my work.  I enjoy tying simple fly patterns that don't take lots of time to tie or use material that is cost prohibitive.  That way if I leave one in the bushes like Howard over at Windknots & Tangled lines it is no problem to look in the fly box and dig out another or tie some more up quickly next time I sit at the vise.   They may be buggy looking.  That is actually what I strive for.  Pretty, they are not!  However, when my wife drops by my bench and looks at what I am tying she usually responds in this manner.  "Oh, you tie pretty flies!"  I love her support, but, I won't tell here they are not pretty....

Let's start with a bright orange leech pattern tied for Bluegill, Crappie etc.
I call it the Orange Crush Leech.
How about a Partridge & Yellow Soft Hackle.
Bluegill, Trout, classic pattern.
This is a fly I call the 'Gill Getter.
Simple, easy to tie, and catches lots of Bluegills, Crappie, and a Trout or two!
Picture not really clear here, my apologies.
This is another of my favorite Soft Hackle patterns.
Partridge and Orange!
This is another Leech or Bugger type fly.
I call it a Beadhead Flesh Hair Bugger.
 Ok, enough for this post.  I am staying busy tying flies to fill my warm water fly boxes.  I am working on some Nymph and Streamer patterns that I really like.  Will share them in the near future with you all.
Is Spring coming?



  1. Some nice looking flies that will work well on some of your local ponds Mel. I can't wait for Spring!

    1. Hi, Howard. Hope all is well or at least getting better with you. As soon as we get a little open water and warmer days, I am on the pond. The ponds have been snow and ice packed for awhile so am really anxious for Spring, too. Sure happy that you didn't think those flies were "cute".

  2. Mel, I probably wouldn't call them pretty, either, but they do look effective. If I was a pond fish I'd be looking for the safety of a stream somewhere!

    1. Sure great to hear from you again, Walt. Thanks for the comment. I do my best to tie simple and effective fly patterns that are buggy. Hopefully, the fish can't resist them on a good day. Thanks for the bit of humor in your comment. I hope those fishes get the message!

  3. Mel
    I can see some monster gills nailing some of those flies, excellent job at the tying bench. Thanks for sharing

    1. Bill, here is hoping those bigger Bluegills get the message. Sure wish we had the Bluegill size that you consistently do back your way. I love fly fishing for Bluegill, though, no matter what the size. Thanks for the kind words about my fly tying. The check is in the mail.

  4. Spring is coming. I think 31 more days.

    1. Alan, so great to see you taking the time to visit my blog and leave a comment. Sure wish I had the fishing opportunities that you have during the winter. Let's hope for a chance at an early spring.

  5. Well tied simple flies catch fish. Good to hear from you agian Mel. I think winter is going to slap us in the face one or two more times but spring is near.

    1. That they do, John. I have spent time tying more intricate flies at times in the past, but, realized that it was mostly for show. Nowadays, I just want to tie for the fun and creative part of it and spend more time when I can on the water. Thanks for the comment and I can sense Spring is near.

  6. Hey Mel. Would like Spring to get here too, but we sure need some more rain.

    1. In your case, Mark, maybe it will be one of those wet Spring seasons. I have been keeping tabs on what is going on in your area. Last time I did an Indian dance here in Colorado it flooded the whole area. Be careful if you round up some Indians!

  7. Mel, it looks like you put that extra time to good use. Nice flies! I'll look forward to seeing what you catch with them this year.

    1. Thanks, David, always appreciate the kindness from one of us fly fishers to another. Would like to see one of your Wire Soft Hackles. I am tying some up, but, not really happy with them at this point. Fish on!

  8. Good looking flies, mel. The Gill Getter seems like it would definitely get nailed!

    1. Thanks, Juan, I appreciate your interest. Send me your address and I will send you a couple to try out in your local waters. You can email me.

  9. Very nice patterns Mel! Love the flesh colored bugger. Looks like you and the vice are working well together. Keep the patterns coming.

    1. Thanks, Al, for the kind words about my flies. It has been a pleasure working with the new Peak Rotary. The Flesh Bugger is a good pattern that you don't find in most guys or gals fly box.


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