
Friday, February 21, 2014

Morning Coffee...... Internet Up & Running....... What A Way To Start Your Day!

I love my morning coffee, the Internet up & running, Oh, what a way to start my day.

Absolutely, knew I had to share this on my blog!
God bless my two Grandsons who have Autism!
This is for anyone that believes that Autistic children should not be excluded!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mark. I hope you have had your morning coffee by now. Hope you take a moment to enjoy the video.

  2. Bill, I spent over (30) years of my working career working with individuals with disabilities. I often wondered to myself, "Why did God have this be my working career"? I know now. In the last ten years, I have been blessed with two wonderful Autistic grandsons. Being blessed in my working career has allowed me to be the best support that I could be for all the challenges of the Autistic child. Thanks for being my BlogBuddy!

  3. Great video, thank you for sharing. From reading your blog in the past and now from this it seems you have a heart of gold. You must be a huge blessing to your grandchildren.

    On a separate note I wanted to know if you would be interested in testing some flies of mine that I have in development. They are my own creation and are designed to be Crappie flies. I am sending them to a few to get input and thought who better than the "Pond Stalker". Email me at if you are interested.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words, Atlas, I am humbled. I try to spend as much time with all of my Grandchildren as I can, but, especially working with the two younger boys. They are a gift from God and each of them is making remarkable progress.

      On that separate note, I would be honored to test some of your patterns that you have in development. I will send you along an email shortly. Thanks again!

  4. Replies
    1. Wow, it is a pleasure to see that you finally left a comment here. I know you read my blog all the time, but, am very proud of the fact that you got brave and left a comment.

      For those that don't know and that is probably most of my readers. Heather is my first child and my only daughter. Love you, sweetheart!

    2. Love you too dad! I just learned how to comment.

      on those flys you made for the girls earlier-did you take any pics to post?

    3. No, I did not take the time. But, I will for a future post on the blog. I was very pleased how they turned out. Hope the girls and other family members liked them.

  5. Mel, one of the things that has always impressed me about you is your heart. I know it's as big as the outdoors. As someone who has a second career working with people with disabilities, I knew there was a reason why we're brothers from another mother.

    1. Howard, my heart is an open book, and as you have come to know, I am a very passionate person in the things I involve myself with. Thank you so much for allowing me to be included in your life. Your ongoing support and "Brothership" is a vital cog in making this ol' guy keep a smile on his face.

  6. Mel! Amazing...immediate chills. Just another example that we only have to open our hearts, heads and minds to the wonder that is around us! Thanks for sharing a inspiring performance

    1. Al, thanks so much and am very pleased that you found this video inspiring. Being the Grandfather of two Autistic Grandsons has had its moments for sure. But, they are the best thing that ever happened too me. This young lady sang this as well as I have ever heard it sang!


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