
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Any "Bunny" Goin' Fishin' Today?

First off for all my readers and fellow BlogBuddies, the Ol' Pond Stalker would like to wish each and everyone of you and your families a wonderful Easter.  Be safe and enjoy your activity and don't forget the meaning of Easter.

I was just wondering if anyone planned on spending their day fly fishing for their favorite fish. Where are you going and what do you have in mind?

Meanwhile, I am just wondering how long it will take all my Grandchildren to find the last egg in the hunt..................................

What Eggheads do for Easter....................................................................................................


  1. Happy Easter to you and the family Mel. I'm thinking about walking down to the basement to see if the tide has brought in any fish.

    1. The same to you and your family, Howard..No fishing for me, but, if there are any fish swimming in your basement give me a shout. I have new fly patterns to test out.

  2. Happy Easter Mel. I busted up a little firewood this morning (we have cold and rain coming Tuesday) and plan on watching the Giants lose to the Padres AGAIN.

    1. Hope that you and your wife have a Happy Easter, Mark. Don't work too hard. Today is a day of rest. One thing about Baseball season is that a team gets 162 tries a year to get it right!

  3. Kelly and I went to Smith Lake (Bill T's home water) today, and she caught a really nice Bluegill and a 20" bass. I'll write a post soon.

    1. Wow, Jay and Kelly, you guys had a very rewarding Easter weekend. I am anxious to read your upcoming blog post and look at those great fish. Jay, I think Kelly needs to start sharing her secrets with you.........................

    2. Mel,
      I taught her everything she knows. She hasn't read the first book on fly fishing and never reads any blogs or fishing reports online... maybe that's my problem... I'm over-thinking it.

    3. OMG, I hope you haven't hit on something there, Jay. My blog is all about keeping it "Simple". Hope I don't have to give up blogging too just to catch a fish or two.

  4. Hope you had a great Easter Mel. No fishing for me but I did squeeze in a couple hours on saturday and caught a few decent bass. The pond is looking very heathy this spring and I think its going to be a really good year.

    1. Great to hear from you, John. I dedicated this weekend pretty much to family time. One of the few times per year that we all try to get together. Thanks for the report on the "pond". I am very envious of your success.

  5. Mel
    The wife and I went to Sunday service and that afternoon spent a quite afternoon sitting on our back porch enjoying the warm weather. Later in the afternoon I strung my 3 and 4 weight fly rods for Monday's bluegill outing on Walker County lake. Hope you guys had a great day as well. thanks for sharing

    1. Bill, great to hear that you and your wife had what sounds like a splendid Easter day. We had a nice family gathering out our way and enjoyed being with one another for awhile. Look forward to reading more about what stringing up those light rods meant!

  6. HAPPY EASTER MEL to you and your family! Love the bunny and your creativity! I am sure it was fun had by all looking for the eggs. Did anyone ever find the last egg or did that become a snack for ya!

    1. After the fact, Al, but sure hope that you and your family had a wonderful Easter Day. I always enjoy participating with my grandkids when I get the chance. There are memories to be made! It did take them quite a while to figure out where the last egg went. They had to get a little verbal prompting with the old "Hot & Cold" game. Thanks for the comment as always.

  7. Mel, I hope you have been doing well, and catching a lot of blue gill! I'm hoping to hit the ponds soon to see what I can find!


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