
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The 2014 Bluegill Blitz!

One of the really good things that I can say about my time over on Facebook is that I have met and communicated online with a number of really good people.  These folks have shared a love for a number of things we have in common.  For example, Warm Water Fly Fishing Group that I joined has a great group of guys and gals who share their love for warm water fly fishing.  Lots of pictures of successful fishing trips and a flow of good ideas to keep one interested in warm water fly fishing. 

One of the great things the Warm Water Fly Fishing Group has spawned is the 2014 Bluegill Blitz.
Fellow Colorado warm water fly fisherman,  John Doddridge, has came up with a great idea for some online fun combined with fly fishing for the ever popular, Bluegill!  After you have clicked on the links and read about the 2014 Bluegill Blitz then take a minute and consider if you would like to  participate.  Fly Fishing, Fun, Bluegills, Pictures, Good Times, Meet New Online Friends, what do you have to lose.  Hope you check it out!

Ok, there are a few rules.  Yea, rules, but even those are simple and fun.
Official Rules:
1) Bluegills and Sunfish of all types are allowed. Not allowed are LM Bass, SM Bass, Carp, Drum, Catfish, Warmouth, Crappie. You get the point. Cheaters will be MOCKED!
2) You may submit ONE picture of your LONGEST fish. In the picture you must clearly show the length, and your ID number. 
3) All anglers must be signed up by 5pm on April 30th. ID numbers will be issued between 6pm and midnight on April 30th through a PM sent to each anglers competing.
4) Pictures may be submitted on the Warm Water Fly Fishing page anytime on Sunday May 18th.
5) All fish must be caught using a Fly Rod, Fly Reel, and Fly.
This is for The Warm Water Fly Fishing page Bragging Rights Only.

That's it. Send me John Doddridge a personal message if you want in and I will add you to the list. You must be on the list by 5pm April 30th. Otherwise contact me at

Bluegill fishing time is here!


  1. Here's a challenge for you Mel. We need to hit one of the local ponds and see who catches the smallest bluegill.

    1. That is no challenge at all, Howard. I'm ready if you are willin'. I have already informed the guys at the Bluegill Blitz that I was participating for sure, but, that I only catch the runts of the Bluegill world so do not worry about my entry into the fun.

  2. Mel! Sounds like tons of fun! Unfortunately, I will continue to chase our friends the trout this season; however, I look forward to your adventures and will keep my eyes out for waters less traveled that I can turn you onto! Thanks for the information my friend and good luck chasin those 'gils

    1. Al. sure appreciate your support and would take any and all information I could get on local warm water fisheries. They are a blast to catch on a fly rod. Don't get me wrong, I love trout too. However, I just enjoy the simplicity and fun in grabbing my rod and walking around the local ponds stalking them 'gills.

  3. Sounds like a blast. I tried to sign up but the link seems to be down?

    1. Juan, I am looking forward to the fun and friendship even though most of it is strictly online. Which link are you having trouble with and I will see if I can help out.

  4. Wow Mel. I feel honored. This thing has really come together. I'm super excited to see what everyone submits for a entry. When I get back from FL in June we need to make some plans to get together and do some fishing.

  5. Replies
    1. Hi, Kevin. Hope you do. This sounds like a lot of fun and who knows where it may go in the future. I won't be entering anything in the contest except the runts of the Bluegill world, but, I am all in on the fun!

  6. I'll tell Kelly... since I can't seem to catch anything competitive lately. Too bad her Bluegill from Easter won't count... it woulda been a contender.

    1. Jay, enjoy your sense of humor. Make sure you hang on to Kelly. Sounds like both of us need to learn a few things from her. Anxious to see your post on the Easter "Bull".

  7. Thanks for the information. I just joined.

    1. Great to have you join the group. There are a lot of good folks in the group that share common interests. You will probably recognize a few names from the blogging scene. I sent you an invitation to the 2014 Bluegill Blitz, too. Bryan, thanks for your support and being my BlogBuddy!

  8. Hi Mel
    Can I joined if I'm not a member of facebook?

    1. Bill, I will forward your question on to the Event Organizer, John Doddridge. I think it would be great to have you participate. Your Bluegills from the lake may be a winner! I will have John email you if that is ok.

  9. just submitted my request to join the group, cant wait, thanks for the heads up!!!

    1. Hi, Blake. Great to hear you joined the Group over on Facebook. There is really a great group of folks over there who support and love warm water fly fishing. Hope you hook a big one!

  10. That's a great idea....and if I wasn't already doing 2 online tourney things ( all for fun) I'd be in on this one too. I haven't taken my fly rod out yet this year, but it won't be long. Probably this weekend for some trout with this famous guy you may have heard of....Mike something or other....likes them bamboo poles... :)

    1. Owl, I thought it sounded like a lot of fun, too. It caught my attention and I jumped in for some fun and sharing with other who love warm water fly fishing. Hey, you got some big ol' Bull Bluegill down your way. Not too late yet to get in. Anyhoot, hope you and that famous feller, Mike Whatshisname, have a good time and catch some fish. Most people fish worms with bamboo poles.........................................

  11. Just signed up. This is going to be fun and give me a chance to use that glass rod. I may actually spend more time chasing panfish this year than last.

    1. Great to hear that, Josh! I think it will be a lot of fun too see all the Bluegill and such posted on the Bluegill Blitz. Great way to get everybody thinking fly fishing and Panfish fun. It is a beautiful rod! Go Bluegill!

  12. Mel..

    had a great day yesterday (fri-2nd)at a place called "cranberry-pond"...I fished from 11-5 and stopped counting after I reached over 50 gills !!! wrist and shoulder are sore this morning but I love THAT KIND of only about 10 had bright colors....the rest still were faded from the still-freezing water...52 degrees....tight lines

    1. Good Morning, Dave! Now that is the kind of "soreness" a fly fisher can be darn proud of. Kudo's to you for a great outing on the pond. Aren't Bluegills fun on the fly! I would expect the fishing will just get better for you as the water warms on the pond. Thanks for sharing with us.


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